ARM CHEMICALS USA LLC, Pre-Treatment Chemicals, Dyeing Auxiliary Chemicals,

After-Treatment Auxiliary Chemicals, Coating Chemicals, Special (Smart) Products,

Arm Raw Materials and Imported Products, Arm Denim Chemicals

Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Chemicals

Product Categories

Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Chemicals

Product Lonic Character Description
ARRED LZR C It provides laser effect naturally on denim products. Sustainable chemical that provides sanded and white appearance
ARRED PMN C Sustainable chemical product that ends the use of permanganate for indigo dyed fabrics, saves 99% water and 6 times more time.
ARRED CS C It is used for denim bleaching of sulphure dyed clothes. It is a sustainable chemical used for general bleaching by bath.
OXI CLEAR SLF C Sustainable bleaching chemical
NO DRY OXI C PP and Hypochloride replacement does not need curing sustainable chemical
OZ-ST - Ozone enhancer/Ozone retarder/Enzyme Killer. Our special chemical that does not require the use of traditional caustic, soda, etc. 
ECHO WHITES - Eco bleach agent for denim stone wash and bleach process without water and stone usage
ARRED NEU - Special neutralizing chemical used in permanganate neutralization

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